Summer Full Term Field Programs
Ecosystems AND Cultures
Examine biologically diverse biomes, rivers and marine ecosystems
Study howler monkeys, manatees and jaguars
Discover the world’s second largest barrier reef
Learn rapid ecological assessment methodologies to determine ecosystem health
French Polynesia
Marine Ecosystems and Climate change
Explore the vibrant reef communities of Tahiti and Moorea and collect data to understand their dynamics
Investigate how climate change is impacting these ecosystems
Learn field survey methods to monitor wildlife and contribute to the work of local scientists
Discover a culture linked to the ocean and how a Polynesian revival could enhance conservation
Arctic Ecosystems
Learn about different energy sources, discuss the pros and cons of each, and critically make connections between energy production, carbon cycling, and global climate
Analyze scientific manuscripts, complete a project focused on marine debris, and assist with ongoing monitoring efforts
Deepen your naturalist skills while observing, identifying, and keeping a detailed field journal of flora and fauna
Discover the past, present, and future of Icelandic Culture
Summer Short Term Field Programs
Clean air, climate change, and policy
5 quarter credits
Gain an understanding of monitoring and modeling techniques used to document emissions and recognize how research informs policy
Study in the largest area of wilderness in North America
Investigate the relationship between air quality and climate change
Discover the critical role environmental policy plays in resource management and community planning, and in protecting the iconic wildlife that depend on Alaska’s pristine environment for their well-being
Big Sur
Preserving environments
Discover Big Sur’s unique geology with jade beaches, hot springs and dynamic tectonic history
Conduct stream mapping, pool substrate analysis and steelhead count surveys
Research and gather data for our long-term sea otter population count
Marine Management
5 quarter credits
Participate in active marine conservation work and species data collection
Investigate and compare indigenous and western marine management
Learn specific coral reef field surveys and research methods through data collection from protected and unprotected marine ecosystems
Examine the connectivity between Hawaii’s endemic coastal and forest environments
Wildlife conflict and conservation
5 quarter credits
Discover Yellowstone’s keystone wildlife species and their critical habitat
Examine gray wolf reintroduction and on-going threats
Analyze bear habitats and ecology while actively searching for signs of their presence
Study bison herd migration and controversial management challenges