AustraliaTropical reefs and Rainforest
15 Quarter Credits
Study the world’s largest coral reef ecosystem
Examine rainforest species found nowhere else on earth in the world’s oldest tropical ecosystem
Hone naturalist skills and become familiar with field survey techniques that are needed to monitor and conserve key flora and fauna.
Carry out scientific field assessments by examining species interactions, patterns of diversity, and behavior
NepalHabitat Conservation
15 Quarter Credits
Study the world’s largest mountain ecosystem
Discover unique and endemic wildlife in Nepal’s Chitwan Valley
Trek ancient trails through local villages
Connect with local peoples to understand Nepal’s rapid cultural change
New ZealandISLAND ECOSYSTEMS15 Quarter Credits
Traverse both North and South islands to discover the true meaning of insular biogeography
Examine New Zealand’s incredible array of unique flora and fauna
Learn biogeography, endemism, evolution, invasive species, eradication and wildlife reintroduction
Backpack the Great Walks for a remote backcountry experience